Using Replacement Variables

Replacement variables are a series of special characters that you can use in text being spoken or in the subject or body of an email.  When HomeSeer encounters one of these variables, it substitutes the information indicated by the variable in place of the variable.


hs.Speak "The time is $$time"

      Results in (at 11AM):  "The time is <say-it type="time"> 11:00 AM </say-it>"

Or to do the same without the prosody/pronunciation tag:
hs.Speak "The time is $time"

      Results in (at 11AM):  "The time is 11:00 AM"


HomeSeer Replacement Variables

(Replacement Variables are Case Insensitive)


Replacement is the current date in long format, e.g.: April 1, 2006


Replacement is the current time in 12 hour format, e.g. 2:00 PM


Replacement is the same as $date, but it is wrapped with the SAPI context tag for date so the text to speech engine knows it is a date being spoken.  Use $$date when the output is going to be spoken.


Replacement is the same as $time, but it is wrapped with the SAPI context tag for time so the text to speech engine knows it is a time being spoken.  Use $$time when the output is going to be spoken.


Replacement is the email address of the last email received.


Replacement is the VALUE of the device indicated by (address).  For example, if the device at address R40 has a value of 100, then using $$DV:R40 in the text will result in 100 after the substitution.


Replacement is the STATUS of the device indicated by (address).  For example, if the device at address S39 has a status of "Disarmed", then using $$DS:S39 in the text will result in "Disarmed" after the substitution.

    • Note: HTML used in the status may result in problems when the replaced text is spoken.