New SmartStick G8 Firmware Now Available

Silicon Labs Fixes Critical Bug Affecting All 800 Series Z-Wave Controllers!

HomeSeer has just released a new firmware update for the SmartStick G8 that includes the latest Z-Wave serial API library from Silicon Labs. This new version improves performance and reliability, especially for larger Z-Wave based systems.

What Bug Does This Firmware Fix?

There has been a long-standing issue with ALL BRANDS of 800 series Z-Wave controllers in which communication are interrupted in networks that have a lot of Z-Wave traffic. Users with Z-Wave energy reporting devices are among those who have been most affected by this issue. In many cases, the interruptions are temporary but in some cases, the controller can only recover when it’s power-cycled (physically disconnected/reconnected). We consider this a serious bug for those who are most affected.

Which Serial API Library Includes the Fix?


Who Should Update?

If you’re using a SmartStick G8 and have experienced intermittent communication interruptions, frequent Z-Wave log errors or controller lock-ups, you should update your stick.

Will this work with G3 (700 Series) Controllers?

No, Silicon Labs has not yet released a library update with the same fix for the 700 series controllers.

How Do I Update?

Click the button below to access the instructions and downloads for this firmware.

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