The Ultimate Video Doorbell for your HomeSeer System

Reolink's video doorbell supports RTSP & ONVIF events making it the ultimate locally managed video solution for HomeSeer!

In a sea of cloud-managed subscription based cameras, the new Reolink Video Doorbell stands alone as a locally-managed option. Add one to your HomeSeer system and you’ll be able to monitor & record video and trigger events (automations) when motion is sensed or when the doorbell is pressed!

HS4 camera view of Reolink Video Doorbell

How it Works

The camera supports these two technologies that allow for local integration with HomeSeer:

RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) provides access to the video stream for live views and recordings. HomeSeer automatically saves recordings locally for 7 days and can also upload them to our MyHS cloud service (if desired) for remote storage. 

ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) Events tell HomeSeer when motion is detected or when the doorbell button is pressed. These commands can then be used as triggers or conditions when creating HomeSeer events (automations).


Setup requires the following steps in the following order. More details may be found in our Reolink Video Doorbell guide.

  1. Add the camera to your home network
  2. Enable RTSP and ONVIF in the camera settings
  3. Add the camera to your HomeSeer system
  4. Install the HomeSeer ONVIF plugin and add the camera to that.

After this, the camera’s live view will be accessible on the HS4 Cameras page and a HomeSeer device (below) will be created with a list of supported ONVIF Events features.

HomeSeer Device for Reolink Video Doorbell


Users can create a variety of automations using ONVIF Event triggers or conditions. Here are just a few examples…

  • Record video (up to 60 seconds) when the doorbell is pressed.
  • Record video when people are detected.
  • Light or brighten the entrance area when people are detected
  • Send emails or SMS messages when people are detected
  • Play audio files or speak text to HomeSeer HSTouch devices or speaker clients when motion is detected, people are detected or the doorbell is pressed.

Note also that recordings may be initiated manually by pressing the record button on the HS4 camera live view pages.

This automation lights the breezeway, speaks an alert, and records video when doorbell is rung


6 thoughts on “The Ultimate Video Doorbell for your HomeSeer System”

  1. Yes, please let us know if the doorbell press is an ONVIF event as it is not shown in the device image. I’ve been waiting for this doorbell camera for months, and it is still not available in the UK at the end of April 2023 🙁

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